What Resorts Don’t Allow Snowboarding?

Last Updated on March 2nd, 2023

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Snowboarding, although a much newer sport than that other one that takes advantage of the wide range of stunning ski resorts throughout the world, is still rather popular.

That is why many resorts within the past several decades have opened their slopes to the extreme cousin of skiing.

But though it seems to be a pretty popular sport, a few resorts have banned it too.

Mad River Glen, Alta, and Deer Valley have all decided that they would not permit snowboarders to glide down their mountains.

Why? Let’s discuss this a little more to understand why these three resorts have taken such an action.


Why Did Ski Resorts Ban Snowboards?

It seems counterintuitive for a place that makes money off of how many people come to its establishment to ban anyone. However, these three resorts have their reasons.

Each of these resorts has made this controversial decision stating that they felt that their customers that enjoy skiing would feel safer.

Along with this, they feel the atmosphere will be much more peaceful with the absence of the snowboarding element. Here are the three main reasons they give to explain their rule:


  • Safety – The reports have stated they feel not only are snowboarders just naturally more risk takers, but also they have a huge blind spot due to the way the boarders ride their boards.
  • Quality of the Snow – They feel that the snowboarders ruin the quality of the snow for the skiers.
  • Tradition – some simply want to keep things the way they were.


Is There Anywhere You Can Snowboard All Year Round?

If you are someone who wants to hit the slopes all the time, having a hobby that relies on snow may seem like a huge hurdle to overcome. But if you want to hit the slopes, some places allow you to snowboard all year round.

Winter is easy, as any place with mountains with winter seasons can be a good place to check out. But spring, summer, and fall are much more challenging.

You may have to rack up a few frequent flier miles, but here are some ideas on how to get your snow on no matter the season:


  • Spring – Maybe head to the beautiful slopes of the Austrian Alps. Here even in spring, you can find resorts where you can get out and board in some beautiful scenery.
  • Summer – If you want snow during the summer months, you must go to the southern hemisphere. Here some of the best snowboarding can be found in Argentina.
  • Fall – The fall season is a little easier than the other two. During the fall months, you can try the resorts on the slopes of the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado.


Is Snowboarding Banned in Aspen?

Many resorts at one time decided it was time to ban snowboarding, and one of those is the famous Aspen Ski Resort. But after 20 years, in 2001, the ban was lifted, and snowboarders could return to these amazing slopes.

Much like the three resorts we talked about above, the folks at Aspen Resorts felt they were doing the right thing to cater to their skiing customers. But as the popularity of snowboarding continued to rise, they soon saw they were losing out on a whole swath of winter athletes.


Is Snowboarding Losing Popularity?

Snowboarding is an exciting winter sport and one that has found popularity among a wide range of people. But though it gained popularity rather quickly over the past few decades, it has begun to decline in popularity.

Why? Most experts feel it is because of two things. The first is that many have begun to not only snowboard but ski. This combination of the two activities has left it less popular.

Also, the people that did the sport, so popularity has begun to age, and this has made the sport less attractive.


Is Snowboarding a Risky Sport?

Watching snowboarding on television, you may automatically assume the sport is quite risky. After all, it is listed under the extreme sports moniker. But the truth is that it is much safer than most think it is.

That said, the risk factor is solely based on the border and the resort’s terrain. Of course, like any other sport, beginners are at a higher risk of injuries, but as they groom the skills necessary to be an awesome snowboarder, the risk decreases greatly.


Final Thoughts on What Resorts Don’t Allow Snowboarding

There are only three resorts that have banned snowboarding. However, they have chosen to do this for several reasons. This article has covered those reasons as well as a lot of other knowledge that should help any border looking for a good place to shred a little powder.
