M8trix Snowboard Reviews

Last Updated on December 20th, 2022

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 When you’re on the market for a new board, whether you are a beginner or a more seasoned snowboarder, it’s always good to grasp what brands bring to the table. 

There are a multitude of different brands to choose from, and one of the ones you may have run across in your search is M8trix.

This relatively new company based out of the United States falls under the umbrella company Force Industries. M8trix boards strive to deliver high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, and budget-friendly designs.

To do that, the company itself focuses on creating designs that encompass features that work well no matter what level of snowboarder you are. 

But if you’re looking to invest in a board from this company, you may want to know a little bit more about the company and its boards.   


Man in Blue and orange jacket maneuvering with a snowboard - M8trix Snowboard Reviews

Does it Have Quality?

When you’re looking to invest in a board, no matter what company it is, the first question always has to do with the durability and quality of the materials utilized in the boards. 

Of course, the features from board to board may change, and the overall design could be a little different, but when it comes to the overall materials used, they are always high quality.

Even though these boards use high-quality matter because they are still budget-friendly, they let their products do the work for them. 


What Are the Best Features?

Every board from this company has a few differences. However, all the best features of each board are flexibility and edge. With the flexibility, most of their boards allow you to have good maneuverability, which makes the board versatile on top of being durable.

Though flexibility is one of the key parts of any snowboard, these snowboards often have excellent edges as well. As a result, you may find that many of these boards don’t need to be sharpened quite as much as some of the other budget boards on the market.


How Much Does it Cost?

Understanding the quality and the best features attached to each board is key. But for many, the biggest issue always comes down to their budget. 

This makes sense because you are spending your hard earned money, and it makes sense that you would want to take a look at the cost versus the value to ensure you get the biggest bang for your buck.

When you’re looking at these boards, it depends on which model you are. On average, you’re going to look at paying anything from between $250 and $350. This probably makes it so budget-friendly compared to other snowboard models. 

That being said, the price tag attached to the value you get from these bards makes them a great investment for just about anyone.


Are These Good for Beginners?

If you’re just starting out with snowboarding, then you want to find a good option that helps you elevate your skills without breaking the bank. Because of the durability, amazing features, and flex and edges, these boards are definitely a great fit for beginners.

They are designed with amazing features and can be utilized by any level of experience when it comes to borders. 

However, beginners are going to get the most from them because not only is it budget-friendly, but they are conducive to allowing you to build your skills at a good pace.


What Are the Flaws of it?

There are very few flaws when it comes to the overall designs of the boards. One of the biggest flaws that this has to do with the availability. 

Because it is such a smaller company, even though it is housed under a larger and more well-known company, they tend to be not as available as other options.

That means you may have to hunt and find online stores or retail stores that sell these boards. 

But if you can find them, we highly suggest you check them out because they are, as we said, designed with features and high-quality materials that make them well worth the investment.

Final Thoughts on M8trix Snowboard Reviews

So if you’re a beginner or anyone who is intermediate level and you’re looking for a high-quality budget-friendly option, the boards from M8trix may be a good choice for you. 

Not only are they crafted with high-quality materials, but they are cool to look at, and that may be just what you’re looking for.
