How Tight Should Flow Bindings Be?

Last Updated on March 2nd, 2023

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In 1996 from the mountains of Rolle Switzerland, founded in Austria, during the popularity boom of the snowboarding reality, the Flow bindings company raised the bar with a two-strap design with a heel fixed into place.

The straps across the ankle and toe should be secure enough to keep the feet in place without cutting off the circulation.

That, of course, is what they will say about any set of bindings and a set of snowboard straps. Be sure to check if the bindings feel secure. Nothing worse than coming off your board and it causes an injury resulting in a crash.


How Should You Set it Correctly?

There is going to be a learning period for those riders just learning how to size themselves, but the best policy is to learn from an expert and get the boots and bindings together at a local retail store or pro shop.

Most boots and bindings come together in a package set or are sold in such a fashion that they fit one another better than when a rider mixes or attempts to crossmatch their gear.

There are other ways to get the sizing and fitting just right, but this will include adjusting as you go, one run after the other.


How Can You Tell if it’s Not Tight Enough?

If you have room between the strap and the boot, along with any play or loose-fitting areas within the bindings or boots area, these will be the easiest signs that the straps are too tight.

This will need to be tightened to prevent falls or injury, removing the chance of unnecessary crashes. Again, the rider will have to double-check these straps.

There will be other signs that the secure points are too loose, especially when the straps are as tight as they can get. Check the screws that keep the bindings secure; this can sometimes be the hidden cause that continues to give a boot that ‘loose’ feeling.


What do you Need to Pay Attention to?

Things to pay attention to are, first and foremost, that the bindings are securely attached to the snowboard and double-check that they will not come loose under any circumstance when heading down the slope.

You will also need to pay attention to the straps, the integrity of the materials, and if they are going to keep the boot in place.

The snowboarder will also need to pay attention to the integrity of the hardback and base. Dirt and ice can get into the crevices and make it hard for a person to get a proper fit.


How Long Does it Take to Set it Up?

This will depend on the types of riding a person intends to engage in; there will be specialized setups for back-country riding and Olympic-groomed slopes.

Foot placements will help riders perform tricks if they want or float over the top of snowfields feet deep with fresh powder.

Most snowboard bindings will only last fifty to one hundred sessions, take about fifteen minutes to an hour, depending on skill level, to be replaced, and take a few minutes to strap in and hit the slopes.


How Can You Tell If It’s Too Loose?

The telltales sign that the bindings are too loose. First and foremost will be the boot and foot are loose on the board. There should be no play in the bootstrap area, but instead, a feeling of stability and security.

Another way to tell if the bindings are loose is when a rider notices that the turning is affected, either too much or not sharp enough sharpness. There will, in some cases, be a wobble that comes with a setup that is too loose.


Final Thoughts on How tight should Flow Bindings Be

There are no easy answers to how to properly select the longest-lasting bindings, but there are going to be ways to prevent unnecessary breakage and damage to the product as long as a rider straps incorrectly.

Having loose or insecure footholds can be one of the most dangerous situations on the slopes, which would cause worse career-ending injuries.

If you are a new rider, the best way to learn is from a resort instructor who will teach the best and easiest ways to strap in and keep your board in the best shape possible.
