How Often Do You Wax A Snowboard?

Last Updated on March 2nd, 2023

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This will have many various opinions which are formulated for different areas of the world, which deal with different conditions, but in general, the snowboard should be waxed every five days of riding.

Of course, drier snow conditions will require less waxing than wetter snow conditions, like the ones in spring, which will need more wax in comparison.

Others will advise having their boards rewaxed each season, followed up with touch-up waxing sessions every three days of riding to maintain the highest levels of performance from the wax and snowboard.


How Do You Know When to Wax Your Snowboard?

There will be obvious signs that the snowboard requires additional layers of wax, including patches in the wax that are thinning or completely absent.

These conditions are created by riding on rough patches of snow and ice, or grinding a rail, depending on the terrain the border is riding on.

In addition to having a solid schedule to follow of waxing every three to five days, a person can tell their board needs waxing by the rate at which they slide about the snowfields and slopes.

If there is a ‘sticking’ feeling, consider rewaxing your board. After a while, it becomes a habit, almost a secondary reflex on you getting into a rhythm of waxing the bottom of your ride.


Does it Vary by the Size and Shape of the Snowboard?

The process of waxing a snowboard will undoubtedly be affected by the size and shape of the board. However, the primary differences will be in the amounts of wax needed to cover the surface areas of the varying sizes of snowboards.

Another difference would be the time in which it will take to complete the process of applying and allowing the wax to dry. Larger cruising designed boards will take longer than the smaller trick boards, in general, when it comes to waxing.


For How Long Should You Wax Your Snowboard?

There will be various stages of waxing a snowboard, and each will take a different amount of time. To start with, the waxing of a snowboard will take anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour per unit being waxed.

Otherwise, there are going to be different exact day needs for rewaxing a snowboard after three to five days of riding certain slopes.

Lastly, a rider will want to properly wax their board for the duration of that snowboard’s utility. Otherwise, decorative units will be considered a retired board.


How can you tell if you need to wax it?

As mentioned earlier in the article, there will be obvious signs that the snowboard will need waxing, such as sticking on the slopes where the board grips in unusual places.

Otherwise, prechecks of your rides or even having a schedule to follow will allow you to look for cracks or thin spots in the waxing.

These two checks will cover the basic tells if waxing is needed. Otherwise, certain after-riding or preseason techniques will help a rider develop good snowboard maintenance practices.


What Happens When You Do Not Wax Your Snowboard?

Not waxing your snowboard risks damaging the bottom of the board but also your performance on the slopes, as unwaxed rides will stick on the slopes.

The wax provides a barrier between the snowboard material and the snow slopes, including all elements found in the mountains during wintertime.

This simple fact will show why it will be a detrimental embarrassment to forget to wax your snowboard, and knowledgeable riders will never forget to maintain a healthy layer of wax on their boards. Take the time to care for your board, and you will never have to worry.


Final Thoughts on How often do you Wax a Snowboard?

Snowboarding is an intricate sport that involves precise moves, attention to detail, and maintenance of your boards.

This maintenance includes keeping your boards out of the elements, checking the bindings and waxing levels, and keeping the edges just sharp enough to carve through the snow.

This extreme winter sport can be either an adrenaline-pumping, heart-racing time flying down the mountain at top speeds but also to be a relaxing time for those cruising and floating atop the frozen fields of water.

Both forms of entertainment and recreation will provide healthy ways to be active and have fun, not to mention the enjoyment of seeing the beautiful landscapes of the ski resort and surrounding areas.
