Are Wide Snowboards Harder To Ride?

Last Updated on December 20th, 2022

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Let us take a second to think about the reason for a wider snowboard, and the primary reason would be for stability and possibly for powder riding situations.

The wider board will sail over the top of the fresh powder and perform in the backcountry where the pristine snow fields will be.

This will, in effect, make the snowboards harder to turn and require longer swooping turns, in contrast to the thinner boards that cut fast through the snow. So, yes, in a way, it is harder to ride wider snowboards.

Person wearing orange pants doing aerial with a snowboard - Are Wide Snowboards Harder To Ride?

Are Wider Snowboards Slower?

When it comes to racing down the mountain and trying to beat opponents in a race, the wider boards will not be the best choice.

Thinner boards will have faster speeds and acceleration rates to them because of the “snow dynamics” designed for slicing through and over snow.

Wider boards are slower but will also have an easier time with taller and heavier riders, especially when there is fresh powder or untouched snowfields to ride on top of.

This will also be beneficial for the snowboarder that wants a cruising speed for coasting down utilizing long s-turns downslope.


Why is it harder to ride it?


As mentioned in previous sections, the reason for the wider boards to be considered harder to ride would be because of the natural difficulties of turning something wider. These boards are designed to make it easier for a rider to traverse over the snow fields and powder snows.

It is harder to turn these wider boards when compared to the thinner options because of the bigger board. So now bigger people will have an easier time whipping a wider board around than, say, a shorter person, and this is just physics.


How Can You Get Used to It?

If you want to get skilled in riding with wider snowboards, the only way to do that is to get out onto the slopes and ride. Get experience and reps down the slopes, and make it a regular habit of getting to the resorts and using the wide board of the various runs available.

There really is no other science to it. Repetition and practice are the only surefire ways to get used to riding a wider board.

One way to make the board feel light on your feet would be to place weights to make it heavier, then after a while, remove the extra weight to make the board lighter. The best practice is trial and error, plus getting the time in at the resort.


Tips and Tricks for a Better Experience

The best place to utilize a wider snowboard would be on the powder days, the multiple feet of snowstorms that create the iconic undisturbed runs.

The wider platform will get the rider up on top of the snow rather than attempting to slice through the powder, saving time and effort.

Another trick, as mentioned before, would be to weigh down the board, making it lighter and easier to ride once the weights are removed. Similar to the practices of major league baseball and Olympic Softball players.


When Should You Switch to a Wide Snowboard?

Thinner snowboards will allow a rider to reach faster speeds, make quicker adjustments, and whip the board around for that killer seven-twenty.

The reason to switch would be the situation that the rider will find themselves in, which for a wider snowboard to be practical, a snowboarder will be going on powder days or going through the undisturbed snowfields in the backcountry, or double black diamond runs.

Meaning after a while, if you are going to forgo speed for a more cruising-like ride, switching it up and getting a wide board will work. If a thin board is just not stable or supportive enough, switching to a wider board will also be a good idea.

Final Thoughts on Are wide Snowboards Harder to Ride

A wider board will give a snowboarder better stability and control overall, but the improvements will be accentuated when going over the powders of a fresh snowstorm or through an untouched region of the mountain.

Plus, for those taller folks getting into the sport, be sure to use a wider board because the stability of the ride will increase, making the experience more pleasurable.

The only sure way to ensure you are getting the right snowboard width is to get fitted by a professional and have your size measured with certainty.

From there, there should be little doubt about what size board is best and how much wider a rider could go if wanting a powder surfing option.
